मैं आपको बताने जा रहा हूँ कि आप कैसे जान सकते हैं कि आपका आधार कार्ड आपके पैन कार्ड से लिंक है या नहीं। आधार कार्ड और पैन कार्ड दोनों ही भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज होते हैं। सरकारी कार्यों और विभिन्न अर्थिक लेन-देन के लिए आपके आधार कार्ड को आपके पैन कार्ड से जोड़ना जरूरी है। इस ब्लॉग में मैं आपको बताऊंगा कि आप कैसे इसका पता कर सकते हैं: भारत के इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट ( https://www.incometax.gov.in/ ) पर जाएं और "Quick Links" अनुभाग में "Link Aadhaar" विकल्प पर क्लिक करें। आप एक नए पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट होंगे, जहाँ आपको आपका पैन नंबर, आधार नंबर और आधार के अनुसार नाम भरना होगा। विवरण भरते हुए, "View Link Aadhaar Status" बटन पर क्लिक करें। अगर आपका आधार कार्ड पहले से ही आपके पैन कार्ड से लिंक है, तो आपको स्क्रीन पर एक संदेश दिखाई देगा जो यह बताता है कि "Your Aadhaar is already linked with your PAN"। अगर आपका आधार कारड पहले से ही आपके पैन कार्ड से लिंक नहीं है, तो आपको "Status" का संदेश दिखाई देगा जो यह बता...
What is Instagram reel bonus?
Instagram Reels Play is an invite-only bonus program that allows creators to earn money on their reels content. The amount earned per play may not always stay constant, and in some cases, not all plays are counted toward a bonus payout. The details of the bonus program may vary by participant, and the program is currently being tested in the US and India. Branded content is currently ineligible for Reels Play bonus, and reels in languages that the bonus program does not support are also ineligible.
Meta has paused its program to pay bonuses to creators for making Reels for Facebook and Instagram and hitting specific benchmarks. On the investor call for Meta’s Q4 2022 result, Zuckerberg expressed that Reels is not making enough money yet. Currently, the monetization efficiency of Reels is much less than Feed. So the more that Reels grows, even though it adds engagement to Facebook's platforms, it doesn't add as much revenue as Feed does.
Creators who win the Reels Surprise are enrolled into the general Reels bonus program. They have 30 days to make an additional number of high-performing reels to earn a one-time reward of $500 or more. Instagram has already opened its Reels bonus program to select US creators since summer 2021. According to Instagram, Reels Surprise is a reward for “creating some of the most entertaining Reels on YouTube and Snapchat”.
Once you start the Instagram Reels Play Bonus Program, a time period for your bonuses begins which lasts for 30 days. Any reels you make during this period will be eligible for bonuses based on their performance. Stephanie Kase who has been using this program thinks it’s a good bonus on top of what you’re already doing but advises that it should not be relied upon as a way to see consistent results in growing your brand.
How to get invited to the Instagram Reels Play bonus program?
To get invited to the Instagram Reels Play Bonus program, you need to have at least 1,000 Reels views over the past 30 days. However, you can only earn the Play Bonuses if Instagram has invited you to join the program. If you have enough views but haven't been invited to the Play Bonus program, you'll need to wait for your invite. To check if you have an invite, go to your professional dashboard under bonuses. If you don't see it, then you can't join.
Once in the bonus program, you're paid for Instagram Reels depending on the number of views your Reel receives. The bonus only begins to pay out on Reels that surpass 1,000 views over a 30-day period. The amount you are paid depends on several factors and may vary by participant. In November 2021, some Reels users reported getting $1,200 for reaching 1 million views — and up to $35,000 for getting 58 million views. As of April 2022,... however, Instagram now requires 11 million views for $1,200 and 359 million views for the huge $35,000 payout.
To increase your chances of being invited to the program or earning more money from Instagram Reels in general, ensure that you are located in the US and consistently posting reels It's also essential to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Before sharing your reel on Instagram Reels Play Bonus Program rules page select "Reels Play bonus" from the Bonuses page and tag your reel within 24 hours of creation.
What are the eligiblity criteria for the Instagram Reels Play bonus program?
To be eligible for the Instagram Reels Play Bonus program, creators must meet certain criteria. First, they must be at least 18 years old and based in the United States. Second, they must meet Instagram's community guidelines and partner monetization policies. These policies require creators to maintain a "sufficient follower base," but Instagram does not specify what counts as sufficient. Third, creators must have at least 1,000 Reels views over the past 30 days. Fourth, creators can only earn the Play Bonuses if Instagram has invited them to join the program.
Once a creator is eligible for the program, they can earn bonuses based on the performance of their reels. The amount earned per play may not always stay constant - for example, creators may earn more per play when they are just starting out and less over time. However, not all plays count toward a bonus payout.
It is important to note that branded content is currently ineligible for Reels Play bonuses. Additionally, the details of the bonus program may vary by participant - creators can find the date at which the program expires and the terms of the bonus by tapping Bonuses in the Professional Dashboard and when they onboard to each bonus.
What is the minimum number of views required to be eligibel for the bonus program?
To be eligible for the Instagram Reels Play Bonus program, creators with a business or creator account must generate at least 1,000 views on their Reels within a 30-day period. The minimum number of views required to be eligible for the bonus program is 1,000. However, creators must earn a minimum of $100 to cash out and reach a personalized minimum view requirement set by Instagram.
What is the average payouts for the eligible creators?
The average payout for eligible creators through Instagram Reels Play Bonus Program is $1,200 for 11.02 million views in 30 days. However, the payout can range from $600 to as much as $35,000 if videos hit a target view count. The bonus program is part of a promise by Meta, which owns Instagram, to pay $1 billion to creators through 2022. Creators may also receive higher offers if they exceed the first level tier of $1,200 for 11.02MM views in 30 days. It should be noted that Instagram's offers are known to vary considerably from user to user.
How much followers needed to get Instagram bonus?
As of March 2023, Instagram has ended its Reels Play bonus program. The program rewarded content creators when they hit certain goals for views on their videos. However, before the program was discontinued, eligible creators with a business or creator account could earn money based on the views they got on their Reels. The exact number of followers needed to get an Instagram bonus is not specified in the search results. Instead, creators had to hit certain goals for views on their videos. To be eligible for the Play Bonus program, there were a few rules and eligibility requirements that creators had to follow. For example, Reels that have been claimed by a rights holder are automatically deemed ineligible for a Play Bonus. Additionally, if you received a Reel violation for the third time, you would be ineligible to earn a Reels Play Bonus until after a 30-day cool-down period.
In conclusion, Meta is ending its Reels Play bonus program that rewarded content creators when they hit certain goals for views on their videos. The change will take effect immediately, and Meta won't offer any new or renewed Reels Play bonus deals. However, it will honor existing commitments over the next 30 days. Meta is evolving the test of its Reels Play bonus on Instagram and Facebook as it focuses on investing in a suite of monetization solutions to help creators earn steady streams of income. The company will look into ways to run the program in a more targeted form, for example in potential new markets.
Creators can still monetize directly from Meta, and from the support of fans and brand partnerships, all of which have seen significant progress over the past year. Although the end of the Reels Play bonus program may be disappointing for some content creators who relied on it as a source of income, there are still other ways to monetize their content.